如果像这种机械性劳动生活一直过几年后你可能会突然突发心脏病 我也在写作只不过这书我永远不可能出版 《美丽新世界漫画》里的混蛋律师Eric在这片里 CANAL+/France3/France Télévisions/OCS联合制作 剧情/小说改编102分钟版本无评分15岁以下青少年儿童禁止观看满15岁、18岁以下未成年人须在成年家长陪同下观看(分级警告)
Look, people have, throughout history, have woken up in the dead of the night, confronted by blackness. The sense that our lives are without meaning. Men's great achievements have brought him to the place where life as we know it may cease in the foreseeable future. But the blackness, it's not. Whatever despair you feel about bringing a child into this world cannot equal the despair of taking a child from it.